Sunday, 7 December 2014


niche selectionFrom my personal survey, i have realized that many people would love to start their own blog but they often stop at just the thought. Why? Many are still stuck with a mindset of "I don't really have much to write!!" or "AM not just wordy like you.." or "am reserved.." to mention but a few.
Many of my readers do not know but I am a food science student lately in the final stages of my final year. Isn't it strange that am so into blogging about business than anything (food)? That is precisely what am talking about, you don't need to attend a graduate course in blogging to start blogging.
Am a very reserved guy (I guess so) but i realized that deep down there, am always talking. At times i can see a poorly dressed lecturer and deep inside me am like, "WHAT WAS HE THINKING? Is he for real?" It is such thought that someone pens down (of course editing out the evil parts ). You don't have be chatterbox to have a successful blog. At times when am in my room like right now, a thought comes to me like this one, i switch on my laptop and the keyboard gets busy.
So it is pretty hard to convince me that some one can be wordless. Give them an opportunity to talk about what they love in the right environment, you will be amazed at how much they know.
My first mistake in the early days of my blogging career was that i wrote to make money. But as i "matured", i realized that my blog is like a hangout place where i share the thoughts i am so passionate about  with my esteemed readers like you right now. That alone pays off. I am not going to give you the 10 steps to finding the right niche. That is a total waste of your precious time! let me cut through to the bone.
REMEMBER THIS: Choose something you are passionate about period!!
That is the best starting point. WHY?
  • It will come naturally since it is something you love.
  • It is always exciting to write a post. Many times i want to keep writing for over an hour.
  • You will not run out of blog posts
  • Your creativity will be exploited
  • Your readers will read/feel the passion with which you write the posts. This is good because it is too easy to believe someone who is passionate about what they are saying.
  • It is easy to become an authority in that niche since readers always get fresh content from you. Nothing copied and pasted. ORIGINALITY is just awesome.
Probably  you may be asking, "But Reagan I am not sure about my passions?" A self evaluation is a good way to determine your passions.
Let me help a little using the questions below;
  1. What is your background? Academic-are there things you got passionate about while at school that you believe your readers may want to know? It may be evolution, climate change etc. Social-are there things that you might have overcome that you think will be of value to your readers? It may be a dating/relationship experiences, abuse, addiction, fear etc. As long as you are passionate about it. Don't victimize your readers because you will instead alienate them. Employment-are there tips/skills you acquired that you believe are valuable? It may be, how to pass any banking job interview? or How to get a promotion fast? 
  2. If your background is not something you would wish to back to, then we should consider you personal interests. Personally I have always loved to help others by sharing my experiences with them so that they make better choices. I love it when someone can say "I am because of you " That is so fulfilling. So what are your interests? Do you love children? Specifically raising children? You can start your blog on "Nurturing children" Parents love their children and consequently they would to hear tips of your proved formula on how to nurture any child (However stubborn a child may be!) Do you have interest in soccer? You can be giving your personal reviews on the upcoming games and you invite your friends to comment. Over sometime, you will find everyone interested in your views (Interests).
I believe that I have made this as simple as possible. But in case you still find difficulty selecting a niche for your self, leave a comment with your email asking about any niche of your interest and i will review it for you.
I will reply your comments over email including my opinion and a few suggestions of how to fine tune your niche FOR FREE.
Will back tomorrow. Off to bed...

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